The best part of writing these articles is the very beginning, when I first hear of who the person will be. I’ve had a few different approaches for a number of different nominees. For instance, one did not even know that he was featured in our magazine until he opened one of our issues to flip through and a picture of himself along with his truck, caught his eye. His family was all in on it and that editorial turned out to be quite a hit. When I received the information for this one, a smile instantly formed on my face. I couldn’t wait to know more and for many reasons. One; what we have here friends, is a double whammy. A husband and wife duo. This to me is like a beautiful rainbow in the sky as I relax in my lounge chair on my back deck. You know it is going to be something great. All you have to do it sit back and take it all in. Two; I have the pair of them on the phone at the same time so I’m able to get both of their opinions and answers together, while listening to the two of them go back and forth with each other. It was refreshing to hear how they kid around and know when to let the other half take th
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